Clearance for Everyone
If a Costco price ends in .97, it’s a clearance item that won’t be restocked. Clearance items are priced lower than sales and lower than manufacturer coupons. Clearance items are unadvertised, vary by location, and won't last forever.

See .97 Deals
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Warehouses Mapped
What's an amazing deal worth if it's across the country? Or across the city? Be specific and select only the warehouse location you visit.

Watch Items
Price tags with a * means it won't be restocked. If it doesn't sell out fast enough then it may go on clearance. Track it, and be notified.
Easily Submit Deals
Deals only exist if you submit them, so CostLow makes it as easy as possible. No typing, no manual entry, all automatic. It takes all of two seconds to upload a deal.
Automatically Scan Price Tags
Use the app to scan a price tag, CostLow reads the tag and decodes item number, description, and price. Simply place the price tag in the box. Wait until it turns green.
Next Add a Picture
You'll need a picture to go along with the deal so CostLow enables you to quickly and easily take a picture of the product.
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And a Whole Lot More
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Gas Prices
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Easily Share
Each deal has a share button that allows you to easily share via text, email, etc.
Also Available At
If an item is available at multiple warehouses nearby, the app will tell you where, and show you prices.
Search Nearby
Looking for something? Search by item, item number, or category to find results up to 50 miles away.
Sort and Filter
Sort and filter by category, maximum price, % off, and more.
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